Sunday, July 11, 2010

What Is Success

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When people go through life, we ask what is success? Because not a word that is easy to define, can be questioned by any person's life.

Success for some people may be getting a diploma from a prestigious university. For others, success means doing to others with such a strong feeling that they were married. After a well-paid jobs for people with different fees many meanings of success. So, what is success? It is all these things, and really none of these things.

Your success all depends on what you decide how you want to be your life. In this article I will discuss the definition of success, how can you become successful and different kinds of success there.

Definition of Success

The definition of success is often difficult to explain. For the purpose and intent of these guidelines, it is important to understand that success is not equal to one as the others.

However, success is in the same way for everyone. If a set of specific goals - no matter how small or how big - and they are working to achieve this goal, and found himself undergoing a period has ended, they are considered successful. In other words, if you start with a specific intention and the intention that you follow to the end to the point where you're working on the idea that you later really successful.

How to succeed

Many people spend a lot of time and little money for ways on how to achieve success finding. I'm happy to let you know that it's not really about using your money to buy hundreds of products on the success or experts in the success or similar payable. Success has nothing to do with the hook of an important person, you just have to type the right people - that's it! Here are some things that as a person you can do to ensure that you achieve success in your life:

1. Take full responsibility for your life. This means that 100% - nothing less is acceptable. It is sad how many people lived their lives are not responsible for their own lives all they do is point fingers at others. This is inappropriate. To succeed you follow no other way than take full responsibility for your own life and what happens to you.

2. The second thing you must do to succeed is to avoid excuses. Make a contract with yourself to never let the excuse to run your life. You should see the reason as nothing more than a rationalization of the activities that serve no purpose other than to assure you that you are not directly responsible for the events and situations that happen in your life. The reason is the mind killer. They just you and your limits.

3. The next element for you to change your negative attitude in your life. I believe that no matter how bad the experience is that there is always something good can come of it. Without mistakes we will never learn and grow. We can never appreciate the positive and we are not confronted with the negative. There is a learning experience in everything really, so it is important to focus your mind in this way.

Kind of Success

I could name different types of people on all the successes that have experienced throughout history. Many have been successful:

- Discovery

- Relationships

- Setting goals

- Mechanics

- Writing

- Dealing with people

- Own Son

- Graduated from College

- And much more!

This is all about controlling or best at something. It's about setting goals and seeing to the point of the performance. Success is about who you are, and go for the things you want in life. Success can come in many ways. Nobody can tell you how your life except yourself.


When asked "what is success?" You have to see who you are, you have the responsibility for who you are taking, and you must eliminate all the reasons why you can not do a thing. You must know and understand that the reason no more than a rationalization for not running and you must take the necessary steps to deal in the past is less activity. You need your goals and see them until the end. Once you have goals that come with success.
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Learn How to Apply a Simple Equation for Success in Your Life

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I'm tired of hearing comments, "I do not have enough energy to succeed."

Or: "You're more successful because you have more energy than I do."

How much energy you need to strive for success?

Energy can be defined as "the capacity for strong activity, available power, the ability to do the job."

Success can be defined as "a positive outcome, that wealth and fame to gain."

My definition of success is to use the power to the desired outcome (success) to reach. "

If the desired outcome is a failure the same energy you need to be successful to fail, you must be a successor to succeed!

In mathematical terms,
Success = (energy-related success + desired results).
No = (energy-related disturbances applied + the desired results).

Focus on the negative need to focus on positive energy.
As depressed about the failure you the same energy so happy with your success.

So if the level of energy used to suffer is the same as what it takes to be successful why some will and some will not succeed unless both the extension of the same amount of energy?

There are groups who say that success is all based on how lucky you are, or you in the right place at the right time, or that you are shopping or business in the correct position for your happiness lightly. Well for most people, success, happiness has never played a role and the other two suggestions are the result of planning and implementing a successful formula.

Film 'The Secret has an enormous' interest from around the world, with input into the film of the successful and wealthy people, all the same card. News and media commentary have appeared in connection with the people who reportedly () ripped off as many systems as they can to find success, reported at the same time using the concepts depicted in the film, which the group allegedly followed the flow and dreams for their success not only to preserve. Let not those who keep complaining that they just all beautiful things around them forget hatred.

"Work Secret'did, he created a journalistic success for the industry, whether you like it or not, and the science behind the secret or 'person Confidential" has successfully created a very long time even if you believe or not, the concept will continue to lead the people were successful for a very long time to come.

Why, that worldwide there is a group of successful people, formerly homeless, drug users, early school leavers and mathematics or English or the failure of the former caretakers with limited education? What these groups have, or what they have become so successful and live the life they want?

Part of the answer is to get a mentor, no matter what field you improvements in your life, sense, or add your mind to feel, say it, and go find a mentor or coach.

But, there is a big but and this is where the majority to reach a brick wall. This is the total of the main problems and how many books, courses, DVDs, you attend seminars or business ventures you are involved in, until you really understand the rules and your grip to take, modify your behavior, what controls your mind, what operating system you have made deep in your brain cells will not change.

You will try to continue the comparison of success as mentioned earlier use, but no real knowledge, success will continue to avoid.

Success is a science, many books written about how science works and there are variables (constraints) that recently appeared in people's lives to be negotiated as a successful outcome will be achieved. I am always so interesting how one can live without their limitations, until it is time to change their lives!

As success requires a bit more than just your usual energy and yearning, I developed the comparison of the success I guess if you live it every day (that was a big question) you will reach your goals. By studying the great minds of our last century and those that succeed, no matter what we set out to make a blueprint or roadmap needs, but also a material that momentum - conscious shift in thinking - a shift in your mentality inspired.

After working with children with disabilities, including blind children, (most do not consider themselves disabled) I have the pleasure of learning the incredible success of the equation;

SELF DETERMINATION = (note - sorry) + (x confidence skills) + blind role models

Self-determination SUCCESS = + (x perseverance talent)

Comparisons to bring these children to become successful in life led me to my equation, an equation that has led me to my success to develop my suggestion for his eyes closed plaats at least one full day and you get the secret ingredient required for success, change in thinking, the most important secret ingredient to your success.

You do not brilliant at math to master the equation of success is only applicable;

SUCCESS = (+ mentality knowledge) + (x acting coach) + mentor.
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Is Success An Illusion?

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If I tell you, success is an illusion, you believe me? Many people who responded negatively are the fundamental truths of life to be found. The day you realize this, the success of an easy task for you. Each of us are born for several reasons. Each of us has different goals in life. All of us have a variety of psychology and self-image. But one thing remains the same: we all want to achieve success. But if anything can do?

The only reason we all fail is because the meaning of success each of us differently. The first obstacle on the road to success is understanding the meaning of success. The meaning of success varies from person to person and from time to time. As a child, can successfully be successful in your exam. For people in relationships, success may mean having a good relationship. For artists, success may mean that a good painting. For entrepreneurs, the success to build a big company. A person can only modest success in the eyes of others.

We all want to succeed? But why? Why has every man in the effort to succeed? Why should he return to life? The best solution would be: Because success does not come alone. This brings happiness and satisfaction with themselves. But if that's true in any case? Imagine, if you have all the luxuries in life and money, but no one to communicate your thoughts, how would you feel? Do you consider yourself successful? Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Now you can be successful and make lots of money, but if you are unhappy with your life, all a waste.

Asked one person what success means their success. They would always say: It means happiness! None of us wants our happiness for the success of the trade. What I want to emphasize is, success is incorrect. We usually end up saying that we want to succeed, despite the fact that we desire for happiness. Someone who earn less, but a happy and fulfilled life is much more successful than people who are very successful in their respective fields but have no peace of mind. The meaning of success is actually achieved when your life is full of happiness and satisfaction. If you do not have two elements in your life, no matter what you have accomplished, you're still not complete.

Always remember, success can be happy or not, but luck always with success. To be successful is very different from being happy. Happy people radiate positive energy, they are more confident and loved by the public. This makes them more susceptible to becoming successful. On the other hand, if you feel lucky that success will follow automatically, you may be disappointed. Consider a working mother who has a little baby. For the mother, her happiness is her son. She considers herself successful only if he is able to send their children to develop good people. On the other hand, for a woman who works, success lies in Avid successful in their work. These two things can not go hand in hand. A successful career requires dedication.

So do not keep the family happy. So, the woman to decide what she wants from her life. If he chooses to be a good mother, she can not fully focus on work and vice versa versa. The only thing that can help him decide the right way is what happiness is? What would give him more satisfaction? Because no matter what he chose, he succeeded in its goals.

There is a choice of both, we must make every day life. At this point in time, not a critical success, happiness and satisfaction. So every time you're stuck in a situation like that, ask yourself. What is the meaning of success for you? And if the answer is 'Happiness', please do not say you want to succeed. Tell them you want to be happy!
For your happiness.
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How to Truly Achieve Greater Success

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A month has passed and life continues. Your life is in the right direction?

Do you have a goal early this year? Well, you get what you want - after all these months of hard work for them? Of course, most people are not and that the problem with setting your goals.

We cannot identify the targets with the intention to try what we are, because it is a hunting game that you want to wear. Maybe not for you, but I know I hunt "something". The goal should be a part of us. My goal is to become who I am and where I want to go mentally and physically.

Your goals are something that can be achieved internally, so you can see, smell, taste and touch.

Wealth. Love. Connection. Knowledge. Experience.

If you judge what kind of success, to cook, to be happy.

I try not to be here to play Zen masters, but at a time when we live our lives without understanding the true purpose of our actions Do Make complicated. Life should not be.

There are some things I learned from observation and experience this year and I am happy that they share with you today. Who knows, maybe they will give you a shortcut for your journey to success is looking for ...

i. Your mind attracts what you want. I have my share of successes and failures of this year. And when I'm sitting back thinking, they come in "sequences". Once I succeed, so I tend to get a new one. If I do not stay and return to this state, another failure. I do not know, some call it the law of attraction. For me, I'm sure you get what you want, do what on your head, because it takes ".

ii. There was a time; grandma was ill and hospitalized for several days. When I visited the hospital, I felt happy that they are always beautiful in this world. Although nothing serious, but my heart tells me one thing: nothing in this world that gives me the same love and relationship I have with it.

There are only two factors that you love and the relationship is important to take someone with you if he / she are gone, or if you have the wealth you have today for any something that is worth less, but ignored a valuable experience. Let me warn you - If you lose, you lose it. You should know who to call hug or kiss now.

iii. Know your roots. If you are successful today, you are probably a nobody. Always modest, because it gives you more success in life. I mean, this is not what you have where you are today? Know your roots: the memories of those who have supported and growth when you were on your side against all odds. They are there simply because they are there for you, no other hidden expectations.

iv. Experience life as it no end. Listen to new music. Visit new places. Eat at new restaurants. Play new sports. People to learn new ones. And create an endless list of things that you, if you're rich or not. You see no money to stop exploring life. You can of course not many things you can do Bill Gates and Richard Branson, but there are hundreds of things you can do what you have today. Do you know why we live? I have no answer, but I am 100% sure that it does not work and complain that we do not.

V. Life is beautiful. As I write, I listen to my new condo with beautiful yellow light, music, beautiful music and my wife made a cup of coffee for me. I can feel the cool breeze from the balcony, sitting on a brand new soft, purple sofa. I see before me a mirror and saw deeply, I thank God for giving me this wonderful life. Not because my ego to say I had a great life, but it's true.

They have a beautiful life, or accept the truth or not. There are people homeless, begging for food and so on. If you read this, I believe that a computer that also means you're under a roof and an educated person. You have to read and remember a fine intellect. That life is a lot. The rest of the bonus.

Some might complain about the financial collapse. You broke, but you can never be bad, because it broke a temporary condition that can be changed. He could not now, but with perseverance and a commitment to use the right information and willingness to work together to take action, it is a matter of time before adjusting again and said: "I I was once broken, but now I am rich and live the life I always wanted.”Sound good? So why not a reality, because you can.
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Where Success Happens

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What it takes to succeed? What is success? How can I recover it?

The best answer to the question, what is the success of Go Mandino: "Success is your goal."

The answer that it is successful and how to do a little more: Success is the intersection of particular passion, dedication, talent and endurance. Consider the four distinct ways, leading to a path - a mighty river, the road to success - in its infinite variety... It is a privileged place in this way.

The specific path for each of us. We must - each of us is special and different in each of these four requirements. We all have the opportunity to create our own crossroads - again and again. What a fascinating idea - that each of us can join and apply our special functions in a way to succeed - because we want to win.

It is sad that so many people have realized that they had learned, so be sure to stay on the sidelines and watch, their passion and commitment to master to see how the wind blows. What a huge waste of resources, on a personal level and at all other levels. These are people who are the subject of the statement of Henry David Thoreau's "mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."

It cannot be.

The idea that the potential for something more than satisfied by a process of self-discovery, discipline, dedication and passion is very exciting - and scary. What is really frightening, that in each of our growth opportunities and reach this intersection and do again and again in our lives. We can do so at any age, in any case at any time - and it's not magic, it is not a panacea, it is not limited in any way.

Let us also not to respond to each of these four ways and see how we can meet at a higher level of success but problems.

Passion is the first way for a reason. It is the emotion that leads to participation. That feeling comes from the heart and gives us the power to spend on our people, places, things, ideas, and processes. It is often difficult to navigate, but once found, perhaps to support and exciting. Passion is enthusiasm, passion is enthusiasm. It is curious, want to share that spark of fire, leading the mission. The path of passion leads to near the road to deployment - Your intersection is important to lay the foundation for success.

Commitment takes many forms. Qualities of the commitment we are looking for early certainty to celebrate the conviction that we have an opportunity, before the conviction that what we verbinden to result in a positive outcome, and our lives and the lives of others better. There is no place on our way to the negative, destructive engagement. Standing positive engagement, negative implications corroded and destroyed. Commitment requires special feeling part of something big themselves. If there is a turning point on the path to success is when the sense of total dedication takes place - when, as Goethe wrote:

"Until one is committed, there is resistance, the ability to draw back, always ineffectiveness.

Concerning all acts of initiative there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which the ideas of countless kills and endless plans: that the moment one definitely commits to providence moves too then.

All kinds of things that otherwise would never have occurred to help you. A stream of events issues from the decision in favor of all kinds increased incidents of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come from there.

What you can do or dream you can, it can begin! Boldness has genius, power and magic. “

Talent is the path where the rubber on the road - where things can be done - when measures to create the success occurs. The belief that everyone can do something, if its meaning, it may be true on one level, but on a practical success, it hinders more than it helps. An example, without eyes and hand coordination, excellent depth perception, no one is one of major league players - person. You do not need a piece of the puzzle - the talent - is the key to success. If they are played in the attempt to build a Major League ball to stay, they are wasting their time. Some people learn this lesson the hard way. "Experience is the best teacher, but only fools can not in any other" is a harsh reality to the experience. Find out what they do best, and follow the success of this place more powerful. You can build a passion and commitment to baseball, you can turn this passion and commitment as a spectator sport as a journalist, as guardian of grounds as a general manager or player agent or employee of the team, but as a player - not. The talent needed to succeed.

The good news - and it's very good news - the talent to be identified, existing talent can be identified and in many cases, talents that need to be developed, which - it is exciting. Even more interesting is the discovery of a passion and commitment that match your unique blend of talent - it is now especially. Whether through experience, failures, successes, tools for self-discovery or description of needs and opportunities, which is the engine of success - in the player talent that passion and dedication.

Persistence and then, the median line, saying that the troops on the path of passion, commitment and talent to generate success. I kept a framed quotation from Ralph Waldo Emerson, who in my opinion. It's a powerful message:


Nothing in the world, the place of persistence. Talent is not: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius is not: the genius award is almost a proverb. Education alone is not enough: The world is full of educated wrecks. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. “

Passion, commitment leads towards fueled by the talent and perseverance - the formula for success. And in this period of uncertainty and bad news, is it important to find or rediscover our passions and commit or recommit to the talent - the skills and abilities and motivation to grow, we must achieve - and remain in realizing our goals.

This is the package. The time has come. It is not easy - but it's worth - in many respects. Have a great 2009, and the best results for you.
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