The only reason we all fail is because the meaning of success each of us differently. The first obstacle on the road to success is understanding the meaning of success. The meaning of success varies from person to person and from time to time. As a child, can successfully be successful in your exam. For people in relationships, success may mean having a good relationship. For artists, success may mean that a good painting. For entrepreneurs, the success to build a big company. A person can only modest success in the eyes of others.
We all want to succeed? But why? Why has every man in the effort to succeed? Why should he return to life? The best solution would be: Because success does not come alone. This brings happiness and satisfaction with themselves. But if that's true in any case? Imagine, if you have all the luxuries in life and money, but no one to communicate your thoughts, how would you feel? Do you consider yourself successful? Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Now you can be successful and make lots of money, but if you are unhappy with your life, all a waste.
Asked one person what success means their success. They would always say: It means happiness! None of us wants our happiness for the success of the trade. What I want to emphasize is, success is incorrect. We usually end up saying that we want to succeed, despite the fact that we desire for happiness. Someone who earn less, but a happy and fulfilled life is much more successful than people who are very successful in their respective fields but have no peace of mind. The meaning of success is actually achieved when your life is full of happiness and satisfaction. If you do not have two elements in your life, no matter what you have accomplished, you're still not complete.
Always remember, success can be happy or not, but luck always with success. To be successful is very different from being happy. Happy people radiate positive energy, they are more confident and loved by the public. This makes them more susceptible to becoming successful. On the other hand, if you feel lucky that success will follow automatically, you may be disappointed. Consider a working mother who has a little baby. For the mother, her happiness is her son. She considers herself successful only if he is able to send their children to develop good people. On the other hand, for a woman who works, success lies in Avid successful in their work. These two things can not go hand in hand. A successful career requires dedication.
So do not keep the family happy. So, the woman to decide what she wants from her life. If he chooses to be a good mother, she can not fully focus on work and vice versa versa. The only thing that can help him decide the right way is what happiness is? What would give him more satisfaction? Because no matter what he chose, he succeeded in its goals.
There is a choice of both, we must make every day life. At this point in time, not a critical success, happiness and satisfaction. So every time you're stuck in a situation like that, ask yourself. What is the meaning of success for you? And if the answer is 'Happiness', please do not say you want to succeed. Tell them you want to be happy!
For your happiness.
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